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Cafe Chatter!

Ok guys as I was sitting in this Cafe this morning having breakfast, I was bored and I couldn't get on the internet on my laptop so I wrote a little message and I want to share this message for you. Enjoy and I will blog ya later! :)

A Pageant Contestant who loves who she is and loves to impact lives in a positive way.

The Message:

Oh man as this pageant is getting closer I am finding myself to be so calm and ready for the competition though it isn't really a competition because I feel so connected with these gals. I thank God for the amazing opportunity I have been given to compete. I never would have thought that I would be a pageant I have seen them throughout my life of Miss America, Miss USA, and Miss Universe but I would never have thought I would be in the pageant systems. I have met amazing people and have seen amazing places and have experienced the most awesomest things. I wouldn't change it for the world!! I made a list of what I would like to do if I get crowned and I can see myself fulling that list or completing a great amount of it. :D I truly want to make an impact in my community and around other communities. It would mean the world to me if I got a title but if I don't I would love to continue in pageant and keep my head high. I realized pageants are for me and I am meant to make impacts in my community. I rely on God to do what I am supposed to do...what HE wants me to do. That means more to me then anything. Smile and persevere through anything and if you can do that you can do anything as long as God is there there is nothing you can't do. As I am sitting here in this cafe where I have practically grown up...I feel confident and proud in my community. I am happy I have been able to go and do these things. I have changed since 2011 when I last was in a pageant. I have become my own person. I am proud. I am me.


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