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Life Changing Events!

Hey guys so recently I had a change in heart. So I was truly wanting to compete at Miss City of Lakes...well due to distance and driving I am unable to compete. Which I am okay with that because it just didn't seem right to compete yet after I thought about it and I am certainly not ready.

Also during that time of change, I will not name names but, I removed ties with a local royalty titleholder. I felt I was being held back and not being treated how a person should. It was hard at first but after a big prayer, I felt God continue mold me into what He has made me to be. I removed her from my phone and social media accounts including blocking her. There is more into the situation I do not want to make public but I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I feel free to fly to where God wants me to be and do to the best of my ability!

Now on a more positive note, I will be competing in a pageant on Saturday August 17, 2013. I am so new to the system but it is a simple pageant!! I LOVE that! It is the...Miss Minnesota Collegiate Pageant 2014. I am so excited for this one because the principles of this one is based on acting like a lady and not degrading yourself by showing off in a swimsuit. This really makes it awesome and there is no talent in the pageant either. I think this is screaming my name lol.

The sections of competition are:
-Private Interview (40%)
-Fun Fashion (25%)
-Evening Gown (35%)

See simple stuff which I feel the most comfortable competing in. And another smidgen of a difference would be the entry fee which pays for the needs of the pageant and it is a fee of $250. It's really not too bad compared to others. So this little lady is going to be saving her dollars...if shopping doesn't try to distract me. haha.

And the best thing about it too is I already have all the outfits that I need! How amazing is that! Maybe some accessories are need (wanted :D) but a majority of the most expensive things are gotten.

So Until I do more to prepare or anything else in my pageant life I will blog you later!
God Bless as always! <3
-Tiffany Paul

Our current reigning Miss Collegiate America, Haley. Who is actually Miss MN Collegiate 2012!

The current reigning Miss Minnesota Collegiate 2013, Gianna.


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