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Raising Funds for New Smiles!

Hello guys! So I have noticed that I am getting so addicted to blogging...HAHA can't help it is so much fun to blog about how much fun I am having recently that is pageant related!

So I wanted to make a blog about my fundraiser for my platform...Operation Smile! I have known of this organization since I was little and with having this birth defect of a bilateral cleft lip and palate, I was personally connected with this. When my father would tell me to turn it to a channel the commercial was on for Operation Smile, I felt so bad for those kids who couldn't have the access like I had to doctors and surgeries. I wanted to make a change.

I thought it would be cool to donate to my platform before the pageant to show how much I really do care and want to make a difference. But my boss suggested to do a fundraiser through the month of August for Operation Smile. So I did and I started actually in Mid-July and I already have more then my goal is!

My goal was $240 which is enough for one surgery to a child through Operation Smile. But so far I have $580!!! I feel so blessed that I am being used to make a difference. Now I hope to raise enough to sponsor an operating table, which is $600...seems like it won't be a problem. :) As I continue this fundraiser through August...well when August comes :)...I will update you on how it goes and let you know how much it all comes to!

I also want to take this time to thank my workplace and sponsor in the pageant, Heartland Kitchen & Cafe for letting me do this and my wonderful community for giving to my platform!
Remember you are giving a new smile to a child who is going day to day thinking, "Why am I like this, why was I born this way?" Completely changing lives here.

Also if you would like to check out my website here is the link:

God Bless,
A Pageant Contestant who is striving to make a difference for the happiness of others


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