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HEY!!! Who is excited for a pageant next month....THIS GIRLLLLL! Only one more month until Miss Brainerd Lakes it is so insane. Reason I say this is because I have been practicing most/all of the summer and now it is finally on the way. I'm always practicing talent, interview skills, and walking. Also since I mentioned walking...I bought these new heels and my 'lanta it is such a difference from my old ones! My old ones were plastic across the foot and ankle. They were always hurting my feet when it came to the crowning part of the evening. But now I got a sort of knock off of Johnathan Kayne heels and yes baby my feet are happy happy happy! :)

Also I did some research about my favorite duck family, The Robertsons! The beautiful daughter of Jase & Missy, Mia, was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. This is the exact from I was born with. When I found that out that made me extremely happy mainly for the fact I feel like I can relate to them more! Little Mia is so beautiful and strong!

{Dear Mia if you would ever read this,
     You are beautiful and strong! You even inspire me to keep going!! I know it can be hard to go through surgery after another (I've had 15) but YOU CAN DO IT THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS! I know God has created you to make a difference. No matter what others say, you keep chasing your dreams they are never far out of reach! 

Much love & blessings,

I will keep updating y'all as the day approaches! I am just so excited to go in that interview ready to rock it, go on stage and keep on rockin it, & hopefully truly achieve my first actual hard earned title! Yes I was Miss Crow Wing County International but the way you 'capture' that title is by paying my state entry fee and you get the sash but you have to pay EXTRA for a crown if you want one. At state like at evens behind the scenes you can even wear the crown you paid for. So I don't exactly count that one as a title but sort of. I want to be able to actually EARN a title with hard work, dedication, & faith!

So until the next update I'll blog ya later!
God bless,

A couple of years ago I saw the display for the Miss Brainerd Lakes pageant, so I took some pictures. This is of the beautiful and unique crown. If you notice there is the four points to the Miss America crown. They each stand for the 4 S's: Scholarship, Service, Success, & Style.

This is the Miss BL sash from a couple years ago...I hope I'm blessed to where this sash and make memories but most importantly a difference! Having a title is not all abut the fancy crown and sash, it is A JOB! One I certainly hope to have that moves all the way up to Miss America. It's all up to God!


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